With the new release of CODM’s update, there’s been a lot of changes in the game mechanics, gameplay, maps and graphics.
This is the biggest change that has ever hit the CODM community as it makes everyone, be it, pro or casual players, to go back to practice their gameplays. Players will have to look for similarities in movement mechanics and mods that work best for them, while trying to build map awareness as much as finding classes that fit their newly improved game style.
But with this update comes the second anniversary of the CODM game itself as it approaches it’s second year since its release which will be on the 1st of October with amazing freebies to be gotten.
Last year was a hit as we got to see Ghost : Loose Ends from another Call Of Duty franchise being featured in the mobile version and a free epic Ghost: Stealth was given to every player.
Last Updated on September 25, 2021